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Guava – Maps

1. Overview

In this tutorial we’ll illustrate the most useful ways you can leverage Guava to work with Java Maps.

Let’s start very simple and create a HashMap without the new operator, using Guava:

Map<String, String> aNewMap = Maps.newHashMap();

2. ImmutableMap

Next – let’s see how to create ImmutableMap using Guava:

public void whenCreatingImmutableMap_thenCorrect() {
    Map<String, Integer> salary = ImmutableMap.<String, Integer> builder()
      .put("John", 1000)
      .put("Jane", 1500)
      .put("Adam", 2000)
      .put("Tom", 2000)

    assertEquals(1000, salary.get("John").intValue());
    assertEquals(2000, salary.get("Tom").intValue());

3. SortedMap

Now – let’s take a look at creating and working with a SortedMap.

In the following example – we’re creating a sorted map using the corresponding Guava builder:

public void whenUsingSortedMap_thenKeysAreSorted() {
    ImmutableSortedMap<String, Integer> salary = new ImmutableSortedMap
      .Builder<String, Integer>(Ordering.natural())
      .put("John", 1000)
      .put("Jane", 1500)
      .put("Adam", 2000)
      .put("Tom", 2000)

    assertEquals("Adam", salary.firstKey());
    assertEquals(2000, salary.lastEntry().getValue().intValue());

4. BiMap

Next – let’s discuss how to use BiMap. We can use BiMap to map keys back to values as it makes sure the values are unique.

In the following example – we create a BiMap and the we get its inverse():

public void whenCreateBiMap_thenCreated() {
    BiMap<String, Integer> words = HashBiMap.create();
    words.put("First", 1);
    words.put("Second", 2);
    words.put("Third", 3);

    assertEquals(2, words.get("Second").intValue());
    assertEquals("Third", words.inverse().get(3));

5. Multimap

Now – let’s take a look at Multimap.

We can use Multimap to associate each key with multiple values as in the following example:

public void whenCreateMultimap_thenCreated() {
    Multimap<String, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    multimap.put("fruit", "apple");
    multimap.put("fruit", "banana");
    multimap.put("pet", "cat");
    multimap.put("pet", "dog");

    assertThat(multimap.get("fruit"), containsInAnyOrder("apple", "banana"));
    assertThat(multimap.get("pet"), containsInAnyOrder("cat", "dog"));

5. Table

Let’s now take a look at the Guava Table; we use Table if we need more than one key to index a value.

In the following example – we’re going to use a table to store the distances between cities:

public void whenCreatingTable_thenCorrect() {
    Table<String,String,Integer> distance = HashBasedTable.create();
    distance.put("London", "Paris", 340);
    distance.put("New York", "Los Angeles", 3940);
    distance.put("London", "New York", 5576);

    assertEquals(3940, distance.get("New York", "Los Angeles").intValue());
      containsInAnyOrder("Paris", "New York", "Los Angeles"));
    assertThat(distance.rowKeySet(), containsInAnyOrder("London", "New York"));

We can also use Tables.transpose() to flip the row and column keys as in the following example:

public void whenTransposingTable_thenCorrect() {
    Table<String,String,Integer> distance = HashBasedTable.create();
    distance.put("London", "Paris", 340);
    distance.put("New York", "Los Angeles", 3940);
    distance.put("London", "New York", 5576);

    Table<String, String, Integer> transposed = Tables.transpose(distance);

      containsInAnyOrder("Paris", "New York", "Los Angeles"));
    assertThat(transposed.columnKeySet(), containsInAnyOrder("London", "New York"));

6. ClassToInstanceMap

Next – Let’s take a look at ClassToInstanceMap. We can use ClassToInstanceMap if we want the object’s class to be the key as in the following example:

public void whenCreatingClassToInstanceMap_thenCorrect() {
    ClassToInstanceMap<Number> numbers = MutableClassToInstanceMap.create();
    numbers.putInstance(Integer.class, 1);
    numbers.putInstance(Double.class, 1.5);

    assertEquals(1, numbers.get(Integer.class));
    assertEquals(1.5, numbers.get(Double.class));

7. Group List Using Multimap

Next – let’s see how to group a List using Multimap. In the following example – we group a List of names by their length using Multimaps.index():

public void whenGroupingListsUsingMultimap_thenGrouped() {
    List<String> names = Lists.newArrayList("John", "Adam", "Tom");
    Function<String,Integer> func = new Function<String,Integer>(){
        public Integer apply(String input) {
            return input.length();
    Multimap<Integer, String> groups = Multimaps.index(names, func);

    assertThat(groups.get(3), containsInAnyOrder("Tom"));
    assertThat(groups.get(4), containsInAnyOrder("John", "Adam"));

8. Conclusion

In this quick tutorial we discussed the most common and useful usecases of working with Maps using the Guava library.

The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in my Guava GitHub project – this is an Eclipse-based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.

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