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How to Count Duplicate Elements in Arraylist

1. Overview

In this short tutorial, we’ll look at some different ways to count the duplicated elements in an ArrayList.

2. Loop with Map.put()

Our expected result would be a Map object, which contains all elements from the input list as keys and the count of each element as value.

The most straightforward solution to achieve this would be to loop through the input list and for each element:

  • if the resultMap contains the element, we increment a counter by 1

  • otherwise, we put a new map entry (element, 1) to the map

public <T> Map<T, Long> countByClassicalLoop(List<T> inputList) {
    Map<T, Long> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (T element : inputList) {
        if (resultMap.containsKey(element)) {
            resultMap.put(element, resultMap.get(element) + 1L);
        } else {
            resultMap.put(element, 1L);
    return resultMap;

This implementation has the best compatibility, as it works for all modern Java versions.

Next, let’s create an input list to test the method:

private List<String> INPUT_LIST = Lists.list(
  "expect2", "expect2",
  "expect3", "expect3", "expect3",
  "expect4", "expect4", "expect4", "expect4");

And now let’s verify it:

private void verifyResult(Map<String, Long> resultMap) {
        entry("expect1", 1L),
        entry("expect2", 2L),
        entry("expect3", 3L),
        entry("expect4", 4L));

We’ll reuse this test harness for the rest of our approaches.

3. Loop with Map.compute()

The solution in the previous section has the best compatibility, however, it looks a little bit lengthy.

Since JDK 8, the handy

public <T> Map<T, Long> countByClassicalLoopWithMapCompute(List<T> inputList) {
    Map<T, Long> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (T element : inputList) {
        resultMap.compute(element, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : v + 1);
    return resultMap;

4. Stream API Collectors.toMap()

Since we’ve already talked about JDK 8, we won’t forget the powerful Stream API. Thanks to the Stream API, we can solve the problem in a very compact way.

The toMap() collector helps us to convert the input list into a Map:

public <T> Map<T, Long> countByStreamToMap(List<T> inputList) {
    return, v -> 1L, Long::sum));

The toMap() is a convenient collector, which can help us to transform the stream into different Map implementations.

5. Stream API Collectors.groupingBy() and Collectors.counting()

Except for the toMap(), our problem can be solved by two other collectors, groupingBy() and counting():

public <T> Map<T, Long> countByStreamGroupBy(List<T> inputList) {
    return -> k, Collectors.counting()));

The proper usage of Java 8 Collectors makes our codes compact and easy to read.

6. Conclusion

In this quick article, we illustrated various ways to calculate the count of duplicate elements in a list.

As always, the complete source code is available over on GitHub.

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