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Java Weekly, Issue 256

Here we go…

1. Spring and Java

An overview of this handy new feature and you can now merge multiple entity graphs into one. Very cool.

>> Definitive Guide To Switch Expressions In Java 12 []

A detailed look at this language preview feature that addresses many shortcomings of the traditional switch statement.

>> Spring Boot Admin Tutorial []

If you need a UI to monitor and manage a Spring Boot app and don’t want to build and maintain it yourself, check out this tool that builds a UI on top of the Actuator endpoints.

>> The best way to use the JPQL DISTINCT keyword with JPA and Hibernate []

A great piece explaining the two meanings of the DISTINCT keyword and how to apply it correctly based on the underlying query type.

>> How to use JUnit 5 @MethodSource-parameterized tests with Kotlin []

And a simple workaround for using test argument factories with JUnit 5 and Kotlin.

2. Technical and Musings

A thorough review of Istio’s routing capabilities and how to leverage them in a Kubernetes cluster.

>> How to Aggregate an Archive Log’s Deltas into a Snapshot with SQL []

A nice write-up demonstrating a clever application of the Entity Attribute Value model that you can use to build easily-audited database entities.

Also worth reading:

3. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Bitter Losers []
>> Changing the Website []

4. Pick of the Week

===== >> The Oatmeal Insight []

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