Introduction to JSF EL 2 1. Introduction Expression Language (EL), is a scripting language that’s seen adoption within many Java frameworks, such as Spring with SpEL and JBoss with JBoss EL. In this article, we’ll focus at the JSF’s implementation of this scripting language – Unified EL. EL is currently… Continue Reading intro-to-jsf-expression-language

Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 1. Overview This Spring Framework article will demonstrate the use of annotations related to dependency injection, namely the @Resource, @Inject, and @Autowired annotations. These annotations provide classes with a declarative way to resolve dependencies. For example: @Autowired ArbitraryClass arbObject; as opposed to instantiating… Continue Reading spring-annotations-resource-inject-autowire

New in Guava 21 common.util.concurrent 1. Introduction In the previous article, we started exploring the new functionality introduced in the common.collect package. In this quick article, let’s walk through additions to the common.util.concurrent package. 2. AtomicLongMap In concurrent scenarios, standard HashMap might not really work well, as it’s simply not… Continue Reading guava-21-util-concurrent

Hibernate Second-Level Cache 1. Overview One of the advantages of database abstraction layers such as ORM (object-relational mapping) frameworks is their ability to transparently cache data retrieved from the underlying store. This helps eliminate database-access costs for frequently accessed data. Performance gains can be significant if read/write ratios of cached… Continue Reading hibernate-second-level-cache

Working with Date Parameters in Spring 1. Introduction In this short tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to accept Date, LocalDate and LocalDateTime parameters in Spring REST requests, both at the request and application levels. 2. The Problem Let’s consider a controller with three methods that accept Date, LocalDate and… Continue Reading spring-date-parameters