Introduction to the Functional Web Framework in Spring 5 1. Introduction Spring WebFlux framework introduces a new functional web framework built using reactive principles. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to work with this framework in practice. We’ll base this off of our existing tutorial Guide to Spring 5 WebFlux.  In… Continue Reading spring-5-functional-web

Exploring the Spring 5 WebFlux URL Matching 1. Overview Spring 5 brought a new PathPatternParser for parsing URI template patterns. This is an alternative to the previously used AntPathMatcher. The AntPathMatcher was an implementation of Ant-style path pattern matching. PathPatternParser breaks the path into a linked list of PathElements. This chain… Continue Reading spring-5-mvc-url-matching

Spring 5 Testing with @EnabledIf Annotation 1. Introduction In this quick article, we’ll discover the @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf annotations in Spring 5 using JUnit 5. Simply put, those annotations make it possible to disable/enable particular test if a specified condition is met. We’ll use a simple test class to show… Continue Reading spring-5-enabledIf

Validation for Functional Endpoints in Spring 5 1. Overview It’s often useful to implement input validation for our APIs to avoid unexpected errors later when we’re processing the data. Unfortunately, in Spring 5 there’s no way to run validations automatically on functional endpoints as we do on annotated-based ones. We have… Continue Reading spring-functional-endpoints-validation

Debugging Reactive Streams in Spring 5 1. Overview Debugging reactive streams is probably one of the main challenges we’ll have to face once we start using these data structures. And having in mind that Reactive Streams have been gaining popularity over the last years, it’s a good idea to know… Continue Reading spring-debugging-reactive-streams