Spring ResponseStatusException 1. Overview In this quick tutorial, we’ll discuss the new ResponseStatusException class introduced in Spring 5. This class supports the application of HTTP status codes to HTTP responses. A RESTful application can communicate the success or failure of an HTTP request by returning the right status code in… Continue Reading spring-response-status-exception

Spring AMQP in Reactive Applications 1. Overview This tutorial shows how to create a simple Spring Boot Reactive Application that integrates with the RabbitMQ messaging server, a popular implementation of the AMQP messaging standard. We cover both – point-to-point and publish-subscribe scenarios – using a distributed setup that highlights the… Continue Reading spring-amqp-reactive

Spring 5 Functional Bean Registration 1. Overview Spring 5 comes with support for functional bean registration in the application context. Simply put, this can be done through overloaded versions of a new registerBean() method defined in the GenericApplicationContext class. Let’s have a look at a few examples of this functionality… Continue Reading spring-5-functional-beans

Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring 5 1. Overview The tutorial illustrates how to Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring. We’ll look into the Spring Boot solution for bootstrapping the application and also see a non-Spring Boot approach. We’ll primarily use Java configuration, but also have a look at their… Continue Reading bootstraping-a-web-application-with-spring-and-java-based-configuration

Reactive Flow with MongoDB, Kotlin, and Spring WebFlux 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll write a simple application showcasing a fully reactive flow using Spring Data Reactive MongoDB and Spring SSeEmitter. On one side, we’ll apply Spring Data Reactive MongoDB to save data through a Mongo reactive database and combine it with… Continue Reading kotlin-mongodb-spring-webflux

Guide to Spring 5 WebFlux 1. Overview Spring WebFlux framework is part of Spring 5 and provides reactive programming support for web applications. In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a small reactive REST application using the reactive web components RestController and WebClient. We will also be looking at how to secure our reactive endpoints… Continue Reading spring-webflux