No Bean Named ‘springSecurityFilterChain’ is Defined 1. The Problem This article discusses a Spring Security configuration problem – the application bootstrapping process throwing the following exception: SEVERE: Exception starting filter springSecurityFilterChain org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named ‘springSecurityFilterChain’ is defined Further reading: Introduction to Java Config for Spring Security A quick and… Continue Reading no-bean-named-springsecurityfilterchain-is-defined

Hibernate Mapping Exception – Unknown Entity 1. The Problem This article is going to discuss the org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity issue and solutions, both for Hibernate as well as for a Spring and Hibernate environment. Further reading: Bootstrapping Hibernate 5 with Spring A quick and practical guide to integrating Hibernate 5… Continue Reading hibernate-mappingexception-unknown-entity

Introduction to Spring Data Elasticsearch Algorithms Exception 1. Overview In this article we’ll explore the basics of Spring Data Elasticsearch in a code-focused, practical manner. We’ll show how to index, search, and query Elasticsearch in a Spring application using Spring Data – a Spring module for interaction with a popular… Continue Reading spring-data-elasticsearch-test

Java Global Exception Handler 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the Global Exception Handler in Java. We’ll first discuss the basics of the exceptions and the exception handling. Then we’ll have a comprehensive look on the global exception handler. To learn more about the exceptions in general, have… Continue Reading java-global-exception-handler

Custom Error Message Handling for REST API 1. Overview In this tutorial – we’ll discuss how to implement an global error handler for a Spring REST API. We will use the semantics of each exception to build out meaningful error messages for client, with the clear goal of giving that… Continue Reading global-error-handler-in-a-spring-rest-api

Create a Custom Exception in Java 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to create a custom exception in Java. We’ll show how user-defined exceptions are implemented and used for both checked and unchecked exceptions. 2. The Need for Custom Exceptions Java exceptions cover almost all general exceptions that… Continue Reading java-new-custom-exception

TransactionRequiredException Error 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’re going to examine the cause of the TransactionRequiredException error and how to solve it. 2. TransactionRequiredException This error typically occurs when we’re trying to perform a database operation that modifies the database without a transaction. For example, attempting to update a record… Continue Reading jpa-transaction-required-exception