The K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Java 1. Overview Clustering is an umbrella term for a class of unsupervised algorithms to discover groups of things, people, or ideas that are closely related to each other. In this apparently simple one-liner definition, we saw a few buzzwords. What exactly is clustering? What is an… Continue Reading java-k-means-clustering-algorithm

Find the Intersection of Two Lines in Java 1. Overview In this quick tutorial, we’ll show how to find the point of intersection of two lines defined by the linear functions in the slope-intercept form. 2. The Math Formula of Intersection Any straight line (except vertical) on a plane can be defined by… Continue Reading java-intersection-of-two-lines

Better Retries with Exponential Backoff and Jitter 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore how we can improve client retries with two different strategies: exponential backoff and jitter. 2. Retry In a distributed system, network communication among the numerous components can fail anytime. Client applications deal with these failures by implementing… Continue Reading resilience4j-backoff-jitter