Changing the Logging Level at the Runtime for a Spring Boot Application 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’re going to look at ways we can change the logging level of a Spring Boot application at runtime. As with many things, Spring Boot has built-in logging functionality that configures it for… Continue Reading spring-boot-changing-log-level-at-runtime

Writing a Jenkins Plugin 1. Overview Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration server, which enables to create a custom plugin creation for particular task/environment. In this article, we’ll go through the whole process of creating an extension which adds statistics to the build output, namely, number of classes and lines… Continue Reading jenkins-custom-plugin

Intro to Dropwizard Metrics 1. Introduction Metrics is a Java library which provides measuring instruments for Java applications. It has several modules, and in this article, we will elaborate metrics-core module, metrics-healthchecks module, metrics-servlets module, and metrics-servlet module, and sketch out the rest, for your reference. 2. Module metrics-core ====… Continue Reading dropwizard-metrics

Logging to Graylog with Spring Boot 1. Introduction Graylog is a log aggregation service. Simply put, it’s capable of collecting millions of log messages from multiple sources and displaying them in a single interface. And, it also provides a number of other features such as real-time alerts, dashboards with graphs… Continue Reading graylog-with-spring-boot