Generate a Secure Random Password in Java 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll look at various methods we can use to generate a secure random password in Java. In our examples, we’ll be generating ten-character passwords, each with a minimum of two lower case characters, two uppercase characters, two digits,… Continue Reading java-generate-secure-password

Shuffling Collections In Java 1. Overview In this quick article, we’ll see how we can shuffle a collection in Java. Java has a built-in method for shuffling List objects — we’ll utilize it for other collections as well. 2. Shuffling a List We’ll use the method [.pl-smi]#java.util.Collections.shuffle[.blob-code-inner][.pl-smi], which ###takes as… Continue Reading java-shuffle-collection

Java Annotation Processing and Creating a Builder 1. Introduction This article is an intro to Java source-level annotation processing and provides examples of using this technique for generating additional source files during compilation. 2. Applications of Annotation Processing The source-level annotation processing first appeared in Java 5. It is a… Continue Reading java-annotation-processing-builder

Java Two Pointer Technique 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the two-pointer approach for solving problems involving arrays and lists. This technique is an easy and efficient way to improve the performance of our algorithm. 2. Technique Description In many problems involving arrays or lists, we have to analyze each element… Continue Reading java-two-pointer-technique