JUnit5 Programmatic Extension Registration with @RegisterExtension 1. Overview JUnit 5 provides multiple methods for registering extensions. For an overview of some of these methods, refer to our Guide to JUnit 5 Extensions. In this quick tutorial, we’ll focus on programmatic registration of JUnit 5 extensions, using the @RegisterExtension annotation. 2. @RegisterExtension… Continue Reading junit-5-registerextension-annotation

Running JUnit Tests Programmatically, from a Java Application 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll show how to run JUnit tests directly from Java code – there are scenarios where this option comes in handy. If you are new to JUnit, or if you want to upgrade to JUnit 5, you can… Continue Reading junit-tests-run-programmatically-from-java

Using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner with Parameterized 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll see how to parameterize a Spring integration test implemented in JUnit4 with a Parameterized JUnit test runner. 2. SpringJUnit4ClassRunner SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is an implementation of JUnit4’s ClassRunner that embeds Spring’s TestContextManager into a JUnit test. TestContextManager is the entry point into the Spring TestContext framework and therefore manages… Continue Reading springjunit4classrunner-parameterized

@Before vs @BeforeClass vs @BeforeEach vs @BeforeAll 1. Introduction In this short tutorial, we’re going to explain the differences between the @Before, @BeforeClass, @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll annotations in JUnit 4 and 5 – with practical examples of how to use them. We’ll also cover briefly their @After complementary annotations. Let’s start… Continue Reading junit-before-beforeclass-beforeeach-beforeall