Gatling vs JMeter vs The Grinder: Comparing Load Test Tools

1. Introduction

Choosing the right tool for the job can be daunting. In this tutorial,
we’ll simplify this by comparing three web application load testing
tools – Apache JMeter, Gatling, and The Grinder–against a simple REST

2. Load Testing Tools

First, let’s quickly review some background on each.

2.1. Gatling

Gatling is a load testing tool that creates test
scripts in Scala. Gatling’s recorder generates the Scala test scripts,
a key feature for Gatling.
 Check out our
Intro to
 tutorial for more information.

2.2. JMeter

JMeter is a load testing tool by Apache. It
provides a nice GUI that we use can for configuration. A unique feature
called logic controllers gives great flexibility to set up tests in the

Visit our Intro to JMeter tutorial for
screenshots and more explanation.

2.3. The Grinder

And our final tool, The
, provides a more programming-based scripting engine than the
other two and uses Jython. However, The Grinder 3 does have
functionality for recording scripts.

The Grinder also differs from the other two tools by allowing for
console and agent processes. This functionality provides the ability for
an agent process so that the load tests can scale up across multiple
servers.  It’s specifically advertised as a load test tool built for
developers to find deadlocks and slowdowns.

3. Test Case Setup

Next, for our test, we need an API. Our API functionality includes:

  • add/update a rewards record

  • view one/all rewards record

  • link a transaction to a customer rewards record

  • view transactions for a customer rewards record

Our Scenario:

A store is having a nationwide sale with new and returning customers who
need customer rewards accounts to get savings. The rewards API checks
for customer rewards account by the customer id. If no rewards
account exists, add it, then link to the transaction.

After this, we query the transactions.

3.1. Our REST API

Let’s get a quick highlight of the API by viewing some of the method

public @ResponseBody RewardsAccount addRewardsAcount(@RequestBody RewardsAccount body)

public @ResponseBody Optional<RewardsAccount> findCustomer(@PathVariable Integer customerId)

public @ResponseBody Transaction addTransaction(@RequestBody Transaction transaction)

public @ResponseBody Iterable<Transaction> findTransactions(@PathVariable Integer rewardId)

Note some of the relationships such as querying for transactions by the
reward id and getting the rewards account by customer idThese
relationships force some logic and some response parsing for our test
scenario creation.

Luckily, our tools all handle it fairly well, some better than others.

3.2. Our Testing Plan

Next, we need test scripts.

To get a fair comparison, we’ll perform the same automation steps for
each tool:

  1. Generate random customer account ids

  2. Post a transaction

  3. Parse the response for the random customer id and transaction id

  4. Query for a customer rewards account id with the customer id

  5. Parse the response for the rewards account id

  6. If no rewards account id exists then add one with a post

  7. Post the same initial transaction with updated rewards id using the
    transaction id

  8. Query for all transactions by rewards account id

Let’s take a closer look at Step 4 for each tool. And, make sure to
check out
sample for all three completed scripts

3.3. Gatling

For Gatling, familiarity with Scala adds a boon for developers since the
Gatling API is robust and contains a lot of features.

Gatling’s API takes a builder DSL approach, as we can see in its step 4:


Of particular note is Gatling’s support for JSON Path when we need to
read and verify an HTTP response. Here, we’ll pick up the reward id and
save it to Gatling’s internal state. Notice the one-second pause, this
necessary check prevents the next dependent request from failing. The
check call and saveAs did not block subsequent exec requests.

Also, Gatling’s expression language makes for easier dynamic request
body Strings:


Lastly our configuration for this comparison. The 10 runs set as a
repeat of the entire scenario, atOnceUsers method sets the

val scn = scenario("RewardsScenario")
  .repeat(10) {

Scala script
 is viewable at our Github repo.

3.4. JMeter

JMeter generates an XML file after the GUI configuration. The file
contains JMeter specific objects with set properties and their values,
for example:

<HTTPSamplerProxy guiclass="HttpTestSampleGui" testclass="HTTPSamplerProxy" testname="Add Transaction" enabled="true">
<JSONPostProcessor guiclass="JSONPostProcessorGui" testclass="JSONPostProcessor" testname="Transaction Id Extractor" enabled="true">

Check out the testname attributes, they can be labeled as we recognize
them matching the logical steps above. The ability to add children,
variables and dependency steps gives JMeter flexibility as scripting
provides. Furthermore, we even set the scope for our variables!

Our configuration for runs and users in JMeter uses ThreadGroups:

<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">100</stringProp>

the entire jmx file as a reference
. While possible, writing tests in
XML as .jmx files do not make sense with a full-featured GUI.

3.5. The Grinder

Without the functional programming of Scala and GUI, our Jython script
for The Grinder looks pretty basic. Add some system Java classes, and we
have a lot fewer lines of code.

customerId = str(random.nextInt());
result = request1.POST("http://localhost:8080/transactions/add",
  "{"'"customerRewardsId"'":null,"'"customerId"'":"+ customerId + ","'"transactionDate"'":null}")
txnId = parseJsonString(result.getText(), "id")

However, fewer lines of test setup code are balanced by the need for
more string maintenance code such as parsing JSON strings. Also, the
API is slim on functionality.

With The Grinder, we define threads, processes and runs values in an
external properties file:

grinder.threads = 100
grinder.processes = 1
grinder.runs = 10

Our full Jython script for The Grinder will look like

4. Test Runs

4.1. Test Execution

All three tools recommend using the command line for large load tests.

Gatling requires only that we have JAVA_HOME and GATLING_HOME set.
To execute Gatling we use:


JMeter needs a parameter to disable the GUI for the test as prompted
when starting the GUI for configuration:

jmeter-n.cmd -t -l TestPlan.jmx -e -o [path to output folder]

Like Gatling, The Grinder requires that we set JAVA_HOME and
GRINDERPATH. However, it needs a couple more properties, too:


As mentioned above, we provide a file for
additional configuration such as threads, runs, processes, and console

Finally, we bootstrap the console and agents with:

java -classpath %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Console
java -classpath %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Grinder %GRINDERPROPERTIES%

4.2. Test Results

Each of the tests ran ten runs with 100 users/threads. Let’s unpack some
of the highlights:

Successful Requests


Total Test Time (s)

Response Time (ms)

Peak Throughput


4100 Requests

100 (soft)*



132 req/s


4135 Requests




1080 req/s

The Grinder

5000 Requests




1284 req/s

A glance shows The Grinder being 6x faster than the other two tools for
total test. The other two clocked similarly at ~30 seconds. The same
step between The Grinder and Gatling, creating 100 threads, took 1544ms
and 16ms respectively.

And while The Grinder is high-speed, it comes at the cost of additional
development time and less diversity of output data.

Additional note Gatling has 100 “soft” failures because of the logic
check for a reward Id that doesn’t exist. The other tools do not count
the if conditional failure as an error. This limitation is baked into
the Gatling API.

5. Summary

Now it’s time to take an overall look at each of the load testing tools.



The Grinder

Project and Community





























  • Solid, polished load testing tool that outputs beautiful reports with
    Scala scripting

  • Open Source and Enterprise support levels for the product


  • Robust API (through GUI) for test script development with no coding

  • Apache Foundation Support and great integration with Maven

The Grinder:

  • Fast performance load testing tool for developers using Jython

  • Cross-server scalability provides even more potential for large tests

Simply put, if speed and scalability is a need, then use The Grinder.

If great looking interactive graphs help show a performance gain to
argue for a change, then use Gatling.

JMeter is the tool for complicated business logic or an integration
layer with many message types. As part of the Apache Software
Foundation, JMeter provides a mature product and a large community.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, we see that the tools have comparable functionalities in
some area while shining in others. The right tool for the right job is
colloquial wisdom that works in software development.

Finally, the API and scripts can be
found on

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