Hibernate Tips Book Excerpt: How to Map an Inheritance Hierarchy to One Table

1. Introduction

Inheritance is one of the key concepts in Java. So, it’s no surprise
that most domain models use it. But unfortunately, this concept doesn’t
exist in relational databases, and you need to find a way to map the
inheritance hierarchy to a relational table model.

JPA and Hibernate support different strategies, that map the inheritance
hierarchy to various table models. Let’s take a look at a chapter of my
new book
Tips – More than 70 solutions to common Hibernate problems
in which I
explain the SingleTable strategy. It maps all classes of the
inheritance hierarchy to the same database table.

I explain Hibernate’s other inheritance mapping strategies in my
Tips book
. It’s a cookbook with more than 70 ready-to-use recipes for
topics like basic and advanced mappings, logging, Java 8 support,
caching and statically and dynamically defined queries. You can
it this week on Amazon
at a special launch price of just $2.99.

2. Hibernate Tips – How to Map an Inheritance Hierarchy to One Table

2.1. Problem

My database contains one table, which I want to map to an inheritance
hierarchy of entities. How do I define such a mapping?

2.2. Solution

JPA and Hibernate support different inheritance strategies which allow
you to map the entities to different table structures. The SingleTable
strategy is one of them and maps an inheritance hierarchy of entities to
a single database table.

Let’s have a look at the entity model before I explain the details of
the SingleTable strategy. Authors can write different kinds of
Publications, like Books and BlogPosts. The Publication class is
the super class of the Book and BlogPost classes.

The SingleTable strategy maps the three entities of the inheritance
hierarchy to the publication table.

If you want to use this inheritance strategy, you need to annotate the
superclass with an @Inheritance annotation and provide the
InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE as the value of the strategy attribute.

You can also annotate the superclass with a @DiscriminatorColumn
annotation to define the name of the discriminator value. Hibernate uses
this value to determine the entity to which it has to map a database
record. If you don’t define a discriminator column, as I do in the
following code snippet, Hibernate, and all other JPA implementations use
the column DTYPE.

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public abstract class Publication {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @Column(name = "id", updatable = false, nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    private int version;

    private String title;

    private LocalDate publishingDate;

      joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="publicationId", referencedColumnName="id")},
      inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="authorId", referencedColumnName="id")})
    private Set<Author> authors = new HashSet<Author>();


The subclasses need to extend the superclass, and you need to annotate
them with a @Entity annotation.

The JPA specification also recommends to annotate it with a
@DiscriminatorValue annotation to define the discriminator value for
this entity class. If you don’t provide this annotation, your JPA
implementation generates a discriminator value.

But the JPA specification doesn’t define how to generate the
discriminator value, and your application might not be portable to other
JPA implementations. Hibernate uses the simple entity name as the

public class Book extends Publication {

    private int numPages;


The SingleTable strategy doesn’t require Hibernate to generate any
complex queries if you want to select a specific entity, perform a
polymorphic query or traverse a polymorphic association.

Author a = em.find(Author.class, 1L);
List<Publication> publications = a.getPublications();

All entities are stored in the same table, and Hibernate can select them
from there without an additional JOIN clause.

15:41:28,379 DEBUG [org.hibernate.SQL] -
        author0_.id as id1_0_0_,
        author0_.firstName as firstNam2_0_0_,
        author0_.lastName as lastName3_0_0_,
        author0_.version as version4_0_0_
        Author author0_
15:41:28,384 DEBUG [org.hibernate.SQL] -
        publicatio0_.authorId as authorId2_2_0_,
        publicatio0_.publicationId as publicat1_2_0_,
        publicatio1_.id as id2_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.publishingDate as publishi3_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.title as title4_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.version as version5_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.numPages as numPages6_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.url as url7_1_1_,
        publicatio1_.DTYPE as DTYPE1_1_1_
        PublicationAuthor publicatio0_
    inner join
        Publication publicatio1_
            on publicatio0_.publicationId=publicatio1_.id

2.3. Source Code

You can find a download link for a project with executable test cases
for this Hibernate tip in the

2.4. Learn More

You can also map the entities of the inheritance hierarchy to multiple
database tables.
I show you how to do that in the chapter How to map an inheritance
hierarchy to multiple tables


3. Summary

As you have seen in this Hibernate Tip, JPA and Hibernate provide an
easy option to map an inheritance hierarchy to a single database table.
You just have to annotate the superclass with @Inheritance(strategy =
and you should also annotate the
subclasses with @DiscriminatorValue(“Book”).

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