Java Weekly, Issue 239

Here we go…

1. Spring and Java

===== >> Refining functional Spring []

A quick write-up touching on a few nuances of writing handlers and routes in this exciting new functional approach to Spring Boot.[]

A solid primer on how garbage collection works in the JVM and a few tricks you can use to improve your application’s performance. Good stuff.

>> How to query parent rows when all children must match the filtering criteria with SQL and Hibernate []

A nice tutorial that gradually builds an optimal solution to this problem, first in a native SQL query, and then in a JPQL criteria-based query. Very cool.

>> Only modified files in Jenkins []

And, an interesting approach that uses a Groovy script to identify all files that have been changed since the last green build.

2. Technical and Musings

If you absolutely can’t afford downtime, here are some great strategies to use when rolling out non-backward-compatible schema updates in conjunction with an application update.

>> The future of WebAssembly – A look at upcoming features and proposals []

Looks like some essential enhancements are coming soon to this browser-based VM, including reference types, exception handling, and garbage collection.

Also worth reading:

3. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Dilbert Joins MENSA []

4. Pick of the Week

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