Java Weekly, Issue 241

Here we go…

1. Spring and Java

===== >> Spring Boot – Best Practices []

This primer can help jumpstart your journey down the road of Spring Boot.

>> It’s time! Migrating to Java 11 []

With JDK 8 nearing end-of-life and JDK 11 on the horizon, this step-by-step formula for migrating applications to Java 11 couldn’t come soon enough.

>> WireMock Tutorial: Introduction to Stubbing []

A nice overview of request stubbing and crafting HTTP response bodies, headers, and status codes in WireMock. Good stuff.

>> How to query by entity type using JPA Criteria API []

A quick example using JPA inheritance that shows how to find entities of a superclass or a specific subclass. Very cool.

>> How to Configure a Human-Readable Logging Format with Logback and Descriptive Logger []

A clever SLF4J wrapper library for injecting a custom ID to the Mapped Diagnostic Context of each Logback message, and some handy formatting tips to boot.

>> Spring Boot integration in IntelliJ IDEA []

A brief rundown of the many ways this popular IDE can help you create, configure, run, debug, and monitor Spring Boot projects. This can really speed up your development time.

>> Multi-module project builds with Maven and Gradle []

A reminder that, while Maven and Gradle aren’t perfect, there’s usually a workaround that lets you achieve your objective.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical and Musings

===== >> Top Docker Monitoring Tools []

If Docker is part of your infrastructure, you’ll need a way to monitor your containers. Here are some of the best tools for the job. Choose wisely.

>> Tip: Provide Contextual Information in Log Messages []

Some practical advice on how adding context to your log messages can make them more useful.

>> Should that be a Microservice? Part 5: Failure Isolation []

A compelling argument in favor of isolating failure-prone services into microservices and using a circuit breaker to mitigate failures.

>> Pseudo Localization @ Netflix []

A novel approach that helps developers identify and avoid some of the pitfalls of writing multi-language UIs, without incurring the added cost of translation.

>> Code Review Guidelines []

A great set of rules for both authors and reviewers that can make a code review much more personal and well-received.

Also worth reading:

3. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

4. Pick of the Week

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