Java Weekly, Issue 263

Here we go…

1. Spring and Java

A three-week series on integrating Spring Boot with Microsoft Azure kicks off. Really exciting stuff.

>> Deploying a simple Spring Boot with MySQL app to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk []

A step-by-step tutorial that guides you through deploying and configuring a simple, full-stack Spring Boot app.

>> How to map a PostgreSQL HStore entity property with JPA and Hibernate []

Good write-up on mapping a set of key-value pairs in a PostgreSQL HStore to a Java Map using hibernate-types.

>> Purifying the API Surface Area []

And an in-depth look at the evolution of Vavr 1.0 from the author himself.

2. Technical and Musings

===== >> Running Tests With TestProject []

A walkthrough of setting up a new project, adding tests, and executing them, both individually and in groups called “jobs”. Very cool.

>> Introduction to contract testing – pt.1 []

A thorough review of the terminology of contract testing, suitable use cases, and what it does and doesn’t deliver.

>> Custom resources in CloudFormation templates: Lessons learned []

And a handful of tips that can help you avoid common pitfalls encountered when implementing custom resources in CloudFormation.

Also worth reading:

3. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Twizzle the Flurm []
>> An Apple a Day []

4. Pick of the Week

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