Java Weekly, Issue 302

1. Spring and Java

Tons of new features across the board, with a strong focus on Reactive, Kotlin, and Performance.

>> JUNIT 5 And Selenium – Using Selenium Built – In ‘ PAGEFACTORY’ To Implement Page Object Pattern []

A great way to improve the reusability and maintainability of your test code.

>> JavaFX Tutorial: Getting started and Hello world and FXML and SceneBuilder and Basic layouts and Advanced layouts []

And a new, fast-paced series to get you up and running quickly with JavaFX.


Also worth reading:


2. Technical and Musing

A great way to reduce the size of your Dockerfile down to a single directive.

>> Let’s Put Some Dignity Back into Finding Software Work []

The problem with the technical interview process and why we can’t seem to get away from it.


3. Comics

===== >> Garbage Man Breaks Fourth Wall []

>> Lifestyle Disagreer []
>> Lucky Sales Guy []

4. Pick of the Week

The “State of Java” 2019 survey results are finally out: 

>> The State of Java in 2019

Some really interesting numbers this year, especially around Spring Boot, Java 8 and Kotlin.