Java Weekly, Issue 300

We’ve hit 300 and going strong.

The Java Weekly has been giving my week cadence for over 5 years now, and I’m excited about the next 5 ?

Hope you’ve been enjoying the ride. Here we go:

1. Spring and Java

===== >> Maven archetypes tutorial []

A quick guide to project scaffolding with Maven, and a survey of alternatives like Spring Initializr, Yeoman, and JHipster.

>> TestProject Best Practices []

The top five best practices for getting the most out of TestProject with Selenium WebDriver.

>> Java 13 String API Updates []

And a roundup of new String methods to support the JEP-355 Text Blocks preview feature.

Also worth reading:
Webinars and presentations:
Time to upgrade:

2. Technical and Musing

A few key areas of the CD4ML process that require further exploration, including data versioning and data pipelines.

>> The Personal Data Store Pattern []

An architectural pattern that some organizations are adopting to help with privacy and data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

3. Comics

===== >> Thinking []

>> New TV Ad []
>> Curse of Competence []

4. Pick of the Week

Today’s the last day you can vote in the 2019 “State of Java” Survey.

It takes literally under 1 minute to fill in, so if you haven’t done that, please do:

>> The 2019 “State of Java” 1-minute Survey

Of course, I’ll share the full results after closing the survey. Thanks.