Mapping Multiple JSON Fields to a Single Java Field

1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to use both Jackson and Gson to map different JSON fields onto a single Java field.

2. Maven Dependencies

In order to use the Jackson and Gson libraries we need to add the following dependencies to our POM:


3. Sample JSON

Let’s imagine that we want to get the details of the weather for different locations into our Java application. We’ve found a couple of web sites that publish weather data as JSON documents. However, they use slightly different formats:

    "location": "London",
    "temp": 15,
    "weather": "Cloudy"


    "place": "Lisbon",
    "temperature": 35,
    "outlook": "Sunny"

We want to deserialize both of these formats into the same Java class, named Weather:

public class Weather {
    private String location;
    private int temp;
    private String outlook;

So let’s take a look at how we can achieve this using both Jackson and Gson libraries.

4. Using Jackson

To achieve this, we’ll make use of Jackson’s @JsonProperty and @JsonAlias annotations. These will allow us to map more than one JSON property onto the same Java field.

First, we’re going to use the @JsonProperty annotation, so that Jackson knows the name of the JSON field to map. The value in the @JsonProperty annotation is used for both deserializing and serializing.

Then we can use the @JsonAlias annotation. As a result, Jackson will know the names of other fields in the JSON document that are mapped to the Java field. The value in the @JsonAlias annotation is only used for deserializing:

private String location;
private int temp;

private String outlook;

Now that we’ve added the annotations, let’s use Jackson’s ObjectMapper to create Java objects using the Weather class:

public void givenTwoJsonFormats_whenDeserialized_thenWeatherObjectsCreated() throws Exception {

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    Weather weather = mapper.readValue("{\n"
      + "  \"location\": \"London\",\n"
      + "  \"temp\": 15,\n"
      + "  \"weather\": \"Cloudy\"\n"
      + "}", Weather.class);

    assertEquals("London", weather.getLocation());
    assertEquals("Cloudy", weather.getOutlook());
    assertEquals(15, weather.getTemp());

    weather = mapper.readValue("{\n"
      + "  \"place\": \"Lisbon\",\n"
      + "  \"temperature\": 35,\n"
      + "  \"outlook\": \"Sunny\"\n"
      + "}", Weather.class);

    assertEquals("Lisbon", weather.getLocation());
    assertEquals("Sunny", weather.getOutlook());
    assertEquals(35, weather.getTemp());

5. Using Gson

Now, let’s try the same with Gson. We’ll need to use the value and the alternate parameters in the @SerializedName annotation.

The first one will be used as a default, while the second will be used to indicate an alternate name of the JSON field that we want to map:

@SerializedName(value="location", alternate="place")
private String location;
@SerializedName(value="temp", alternate="temperature")
private int temp;

@SerializedName(value="outlook", alternate="weather")
private String outlook;

Now that we’ve added the annotations, let’s test our example:

public void givenTwoJsonFormats_whenDeserialized_thenWeatherObjectsCreated() throws Exception {

    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
    Weather weather = gson.fromJson("{\n"
      + "  \"location\": \"London\",\n"
      + "  \"temp\": 15,\n"
      + "  \"weather\": \"Cloudy\"\n"
      + "}", Weather.class);

    assertEquals("London", weather.getLocation());
    assertEquals("Cloudy", weather.getOutlook());
    assertEquals(15, weather.getTemp());

    weather = gson.fromJson("{\n"
      + "  \"place\": \"Lisbon\",\n"
      + "  \"temperature\": 35,\n"
      + "  \"outlook\": \"Sunny\"\n"
      + "}", Weather.class);

    assertEquals("Lisbon", weather.getLocation());
    assertEquals("Sunny", weather.getOutlook());
    assertEquals(35, weather.getTemp());


6. Conclusion

We saw that by using either Jackson’s @JsonAlias or Gson’s alternate parameter, we can easily convert different JSON formats into the same Java object.

You’ll find the examples in the Jackson and the Gson projects on GitHub.

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