Spring Security – Reset Your Password

1. Overview

In this tutorial – we’re continuing the ongoing Registration with Spring Security series with a look at the basic “I forgot my password” feature – so that the user can safely reset their own password when they need to.

2. The Password Reset Token

Let’s start by creating a PasswordResetToken entity to use it for resetting the user’s password:

public class PasswordResetToken {

    private static final int EXPIRATION = 60 * 24;

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;

    private String token;

    @OneToOne(targetEntity = User.class, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(nullable = false, name = "user_id")
    private User user;

    private Date expiryDate;

When a password reset is triggered – a token will be created and a special link containing this token will be emailed to the user.

The token and the link will only be valid for a set period of time (24 hours in this example).

3. forgotPassword.html

The first page in the process is the “I forgot my password” page – where the user is prompted for their email address in order for the actual reset process to start.

So – let’s craft a simple forgotPassword.html asking the user for an email address:

    <h1 th:text="#{message.resetPassword}">reset</h1>

    <label th:text="#{label.user.email}">email</label>
    <input id="email" name="email" type="email" value="" />
    <button type="submit" onclick="resetPass()"

<a th:href="@{/registration.html}" th:text="#{label.form.loginSignUp}">
<a th:href="@{/login}" th:text="#{label.form.loginLink}">login</a>

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script th:inline="javascript">
var serverContext = [[function resetPass(){
    var email = $("#email").val();
    $.post(serverContext + "user/resetPassword",{email: email} ,
          window.location.href =
           serverContext + "login?message=" + data.message;
    .fail(function(data) {
        if(data.responseJSON.error.indexOf("MailError") > -1)
            window.location.href = serverContext + "emailError.html";
            window.location.href =
              serverContext + "login?message=" + data.responseJSON.message;



We now need to link to this new “reset password” page from the login page:

<a th:href="@{/forgetPassword.html}"

4. Create the PasswordResetToken

Let’s start by creating the new PasswordResetToken and send it via email to the user:

@RequestMapping(value = "/user/resetPassword",
                method = RequestMethod.POST)
public GenericResponse resetPassword(HttpServletRequest request,
  @RequestParam("email") String userEmail) {
    User user = userService.findUserByEmail(userEmail);
    if (user == null) {
        throw new UserNotFoundException();
    String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    userService.createPasswordResetTokenForUser(user, token);
      request.getLocale(), token, user));
    return new GenericResponse(
      messages.getMessage("message.resetPasswordEmail", null,

And here is method createPasswordResetTokenForUser():

public void createPasswordResetTokenForUser(User user, String token) {
    PasswordResetToken myToken = new PasswordResetToken(token, user);

And here is method constructResetTokenEmail() – used to send an email with the reset token:

private SimpleMailMessage constructResetTokenEmail(
  String contextPath, Locale locale, String token, User user) {
    String url = contextPath + "/user/changePassword?id=" +
      user.getId() + "&token=" + token;
    String message = messages.getMessage("message.resetPassword",
      null, locale);
    return constructEmail("Reset Password", message + " \r\n" + url, user);

private SimpleMailMessage constructEmail(String subject, String body,
  User user) {
    SimpleMailMessage email = new SimpleMailMessage();
    return email;

Note how we used a simple object GenericResponse to represent our response to the client:

public class GenericResponse {
    private String message;
    private String error;

    public GenericResponse(String message) {
        this.message = message;

    public GenericResponse(String message, String error) {
        this.message = message;
        this.error = error;

5. Process the PasswordResetToken

The user gets the email with the unique link for resetting their password, and clicks the link:

@RequestMapping(value = "/user/changePassword", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showChangePasswordPage(Locale locale, Model model,
  @RequestParam("id") long id, @RequestParam("token") String token) {
    String result = securityService.validatePasswordResetToken(id, token);
    if (result != null) {
          messages.getMessage("auth.message." + result, null, locale));
        return "redirect:/login?lang=" + locale.getLanguage();
    return "redirect:/updatePassword.html?lang=" + locale.getLanguage();

And here is validatePasswordResetToken() method:

public String validatePasswordResetToken(long id, String token) {
    PasswordResetToken passToken =
    if ((passToken == null) || (passToken.getUser()
        .getId() != id)) {
        return "invalidToken";

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    if ((passToken.getExpiryDate()
        .getTime() - cal.getTime()
        .getTime()) <= 0) {
        return "expired";

    User user = passToken.getUser();
    Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
      user, null, Arrays.asList(
      new SimpleGrantedAuthority("CHANGE_PASSWORD_PRIVILEGE")));
    return null;

As you can see – if the token is valid, the user will be authorized to change their password by granting them a CHANGE_PASSWORD_PRIVILEGE, and direct them to a page to update their password.

The interesting note here is – this new privilege will only be usable to change the password (as the name implies) – and so granting it programmatically to the user is safe.

6. Change Password

At this point, the user sees the simple Password Reset page – where the only possible option is to provide a new password:

6.1. updatePassword.html


<div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('CHANGE_PASSWORD_PRIVILEGE')">
    <h1 th:text="#{message.resetYourPassword}">reset</h1>
        <label th:text="#{label.user.password}">password</label>
        <input id="password" name="newPassword" type="password" value="" />

        <label th:text="#{label.user.confirmPass}">confirm</label>
        <input id="matchPassword" type="password" value="" />

        <div id="globalError" style="display:none"
        <button type="submit" onclick="savePass()"

<script th:inline="javascript">
var serverContext = [[document).ready(function () {
    $('form').submit(function(event) {

        if($("#password").val() != $("#matchPassword").val()){

function savePass(event){
    if($("#password").val() != $("#matchPassword").val()){
    var formData= $('form').serialize();
    $.post(serverContext + "user/savePassword",formData ,function(data){
        window.location.href = serverContext + "login?message="+data.message;
    .fail(function(data) {
        if(data.responseJSON.error.indexOf("InternalError") > -1){
            window.location.href = serverContext + "login?message=" + data.responseJSON.message;
            var errors = $.parseJSON(data.responseJSON.message);
            $.each( errors, function( index,item ){
            errors = $.parseJSON(data.responseJSON.error);
            $.each( errors, function( index,item ){

6.2. Save User Password

Finally, when the previous post request is submitted – the new user password is saved:

@RequestMapping(value = "/user/savePassword", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public GenericResponse savePassword(Locale locale,
  @Valid PasswordDto passwordDto) {
    User user =
      (User) SecurityContextHolder.getContext()

    userService.changeUserPassword(user, passwordDto.getNewPassword());
    return new GenericResponse(
      messages.getMessage("message.resetPasswordSuc", null, locale));

And here is changeUserPassword() method:

public void changeUserPassword(User user, String password) {

Note that we are securing update and save password requests – as follows:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

7. Conclusion

In this article, we implemented a simple but very useful feature for a mature Authentication process – the option to reset your own password, as a user of the system.

The full implementation of this tutorial can be found in the GitHub project – this is an Eclipse based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.

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