Spring Data Reactive Repositories with Couchbase 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to configure and implement database operations in a reactive way on Couchbase using Spring Data Repositories. We’ll cover the basic usages of ReactiveCrudRepository and ReactiveSortingRepository. Additionally, we’ll configure our test application with AbstractReactiveCouchbaseConfiguration. 2. Maven Dependencies Firstly, let’s add… Continue Reading spring-data-reactive-couchbase

Querying Couchbase with MapReduce Views 1. Overview In this tutorial, we will introduce some simple MapReduce views and demonstrate how to query them using the Couchbase Java SDK. 2. Maven Dependency To work with Couchbase in a Maven project, import the Couchbase SDK into your pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>com.couchbase.client</groupId> <artifactId>java-client</artifactId> <version>2.4.0</version>… Continue Reading couchbase-query-mapreduce-view

Asynchronous Batch Operations in Couchbase 1. Introduction In this follow-up to our tutorial on using Couchbase in a Spring application, we explore the asynchronous nature of the Couchbase SDK and how it may be used to perform persistence operations in batches, thus allowing our application to achieve optimal use of… Continue Reading async-batch-operations-in-couchbase

Multiple Buckets and Spatial View Queries in Spring Data Couchbase 1. Introduction In this third tutorial on Spring Data Couchbase, we demonstrate the configuration required to support a Couchbase data model that spans multiple buckets, and we introduce the use of Spatial views for querying multi-dimensional data. 2. Data Model… Continue Reading spring-data-couchbase-buckets-and-spatial-view-queries

Entity Validation, Optimistic Locking, and Query Consistency in Spring Data Couchbase 1. Introduction After our introduction to Spring Data Couchbase, in this second tutorial we focus on the support for entity validation (JSR-303), optimistic locking, and different levels of query consistency for a Couchbase document database. 2. Entity Validation Spring… Continue Reading entity-validation-locking-and-query-consistency-in-spring-data-couchbase