New Stream Collectors in Java 9 1. Overview Collectors were added in Java 8 which helped accumulate input elements into mutable containers such as Map, List, and Set. In this article, we’re going to explore two new collectors added in Java 9: Collectors.filtering and Collectors.flatMapping used in combination with Collectors.groupingBy… Continue Reading java9-stream-collectors

Introduction to Spliterator in Java 1. Overview The Spliterator interface, introduced in Java 8, can be used for traversing and partitioning sequences. It’s a base utility for Streams, especially parallel ones. In this article, we’ll cover its usage, characteristics, methods and how to create our own custom implementations. 2. Spliterator… Continue Reading java-spliterator

Java Streams vs Vavr Streams 1. Introduction In this article, we’ll be looking at how Stream implementations differ in Java and Vavr. This article assumes familiarity with the basics of both Java Stream API and the Vavr library. 2. Comparison Both implementations represent the same concept of lazy sequences but differ in details.… Continue Reading vavr-java-streams