Java Streams vs Vavr Streams 1. Introduction In this article, we’ll be looking at how Stream implementations differ in Java and Vavr. This article assumes familiarity with the basics of both Java Stream API and the Vavr library. 2. Comparison Both implementations represent the same concept of lazy sequences but differ in details.… Continue Reading vavr-java-streams

Collection Factory Methods for Vavr 1. Overview Vavr is a powerful library for Java 8+, built on top of Java lambda expressions. Inspired by the Scala language, Vavr adds functional programming constructs to the Java language, such as pattern-matching, control structures, data types, persistent and immutable collections, and more. In… Continue Reading vavr-collection-factory-methods

Interoperability Between Java and Vavr 1. Overview As Vavr primarily works within the Java ecosystem, there’s always a need to convert Vavr’s data structures into Java-understandable data structures. For example, consider a function which returns an io.vavr.collection.List, and we need to pass on the result to another function which accepts java.util.List. This… Continue Reading java-vavr