Building a Basic UAA-Secured JHipster Microservice Security JHipster 1. Overview In previous articles, we’ve covered the basics of JHipster and how to use it to generate a microservices-based application. In this tutorial, we’ll explore JHipster’s User Account and Authorization service — UAA for short — and how to use it to secure… Continue Reading jhipster-uaa-secured-micro-service

JHipster with a Microservice Architecture 1. Introduction In this writeup, we’ll explore an interesting example with JHipster – building a simple microservices architecture. We’ll show how to build and deploy all the required pieces, and in the end, we’ll have a full-blown microservice application up and running. If you’re new… Continue Reading jhipster-microservices

JHipster Authentication with an External Service 1. Introduction By default, JHipster applications use a local data store to hold usernames and passwords. In many real-world scenarios, however, it might be desirable to use an existing external service for authentication. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to use an external… Continue Reading jhipster-authentication-external-service