Programmatic Configuration with Log4j 2 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at different ways to programmatically configure Apache Log4j 2. 2. Initial Setup To start using Log4j 2, we merely need to include the log4j-core and log4j-slf4j-impl dependencies in our pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-core</artifactId> <version>2.11.0</version> </dependency> <dependency>… Continue Reading log4j2-programmatic-config

A Guide to Rolling File Appenders 1. Overview While log files often convey useful information, they naturally grow bigger over time, and if allowed to grow indefinitely, their size could become a problem. Logging libraries address this problem using rolling file appenders, which automatically “roll” or archive the current log… Continue Reading java-logging-rolling-file-appenders

Intro to Log4j2 – Appenders, Layouts and Filters 1. Overview Logging events is a critical aspect of software development. While there are lots of frameworks available in Java ecosystem, Log4J has been the most popular for decades, due to the flexibility and simplicity it provides. Log4j 2 is a new… Continue Reading log4j2-appenders-layouts-filters