Introduction to Apache Cayenne ORM 1. Overview Apache Cayenne is an open-source library, distributed under the Apache license, providing features like a modeling tool, object-relational mapping aka ORM for local persistence operations and remoting services. In the following sections, we’ll see how to interact with a MySQL database using Apache… Continue Reading apache-cayenne-orm

Persisting DDD Aggregates 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore the possibilities of persisting DDD Aggregates using different technologies. 2. Introduction to Aggregates An aggregate is a group of business objects which always need to be consistent. Therefore, we save and update aggregates as a whole inside a transaction. Aggregate… Continue Reading spring-persisting-ddd-aggregates

Spring Security: Exploring JDBC Authentication 1. Overview In this short tutorial, we’ll explore the capabilities offered by Spring to perform JDBC Authentication using an existing DataSource configuration. In our Authentication with a Database-backed UserDetailsService post, we analyzed one approach to achieve this, by implementing the UserDetailService interface ourselves. This time, we’ll… Continue Reading spring-security-jdbc-authentication