Configuring a Hikari Connection Pool with Spring Boot 1. Overview Hikari is a JDBC DataSource implementation that provides a connection pooling mechanism. Compared to other implementations, it promises to be lightweight and better performing. For an introduction to Hikari, see this article. This quick tutorial shows how we can configure a Spring… Continue Reading spring-boot-hikari

Mapping A Hibernate Query to a Custom Class Persistence Hibernate 1. Overview When we use Hibernate to retrieve data from the database, by default, it uses the retrieved data to construct the whole object graph for the object requested. But sometimes we might want to retrieve only part of the… Continue Reading hibernate-query-to-custom-class

Data Modeling in Cassandra 1. Overview Cassandra is a NoSQL database that provides high availability and horizontal scalability without compromising performance. To get the best performance out of Cassandra, we need to carefully design the schema around query patterns specific to the business problem at hand. In this article, we… Continue Reading cassandra-data-modeling

Integration Testing with a Local DynamoDB Instance Persistence 1. Overview If we develop an application which uses Amazon’s DynamoDB, it can be tricky to develop integration tests without having a local instance. In this tutorial, we’ll explore multiple ways of configuring, starting and stopping a local DynamoDB for our integration… Continue Reading dynamodb-local-integration-tests

Guide to the Kotlin Exposed Framework 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’re going to look at how to query a relational database using Exposed. Exposed is an open source library (Apache license) developed by JetBrains, which provides an idiomatic Kotlin API for some relational database implementations while smoothing out the… Continue Reading kotlin-exposed-persistence

Guide to MapDB 1. Introduction In this article, we’ll look at the MapDB library — an embedded database engine accessed through a collection-like API. We start by exploring the core classes DB and DBMaker that help configure, open, and manage our databases. Then, we’ll dive into some examples of MapDB data structures that… Continue Reading mapdb