Modular RAML Using Includes, Libraries, Overlays and Extensions REST RAML 1. Introduction In our first two articles on RAML – the RESTful API Modeling Language – we introduced some basic syntax, including the use of data types and JSON schema, and we showed how to simplify a RAML definition by… Continue Reading modular-raml-includes-overlays-libraries-extensions

Introduction to RAML – The RESTful API Modeling Language REST RAML 1. Overview In this article, we introduce the RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML), a vendor-neutral, open-specification language built on YAML 1.2 and JSON for describing RESTful APIs. We’ll cover basic RAML 1.0 syntax and file structure as we demonstrate… Continue Reading raml-restful-api-modeling-language-tutorial

Define Custom RAML Properties Using Annotations REST RAML 1. Introduction In this, the fourth article in our series on RAML – the RESTful API Modeling Language – we demonstrate how to use annotations to define custom properties for a RAML API specification. This process is also referred to as extending… Continue Reading raml-custom-properties-with-annotations

Eliminate Redundancies in RAML with Resource Types and Traits REST RAML 1. Overview In our RAML tutorial article, we introduced the RESTful API Modeling Language and created a simple API definition based on a single entity called Foo. Now imagine a real-world API in which you have several entity-type resources,… Continue Reading simple-raml-with-resource-types-and-traits