Logging Spring WebClient Calls 1. Overview In this tutorial, we are going to show how to customize Spring’s WebClient – a reactive HTTP client – to log requests and responses. 2. WebClient WebClient is a reactive and non-blocking interface for HTTP requests, based on Spring WebFlux. It has a functional,… Continue Reading spring-log-webclient-calls

RSocket Using Spring Boot 1. Overview RSocket is an application protocol providing Reactive Streams semantics – it functions, for example, as an alternative to HTTP. In this tutorial, we’re going to look at RSocket using Spring Boot, and specifically how it helps abstract away the lower-level RSocket API. 2. Dependencies… Continue Reading spring-boot-rsocket

Testing Reactive Streams Using StepVerifier and TestPublisher 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll take a close look at testing reactive streams with StepVerifier and TestPublisher. We’ll base our investigation on a Spring Reactor application containing a chain of reactor operations. 2. Maven Dependencies Spring Reactor comes with several classes for testing… Continue Reading reactive-streams-step-verifier-test-publisher

Spring Data with Reactive Cassandra 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use reactive data access features of Spring Data Cassandra. Particularly, this is the third article of the Spring Data Cassandra article series. In this one, we’ll expose a Cassandra database using a REST API. We can read… Continue Reading spring-data-cassandra-reactive

A Quick Look at R2DBC with Spring Data 1. Introduction R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity) is an effort presented by Pivotal during Spring One Platform 2018. It intends to create a reactive API to SQL databases. In other words, this effort creates a database connection using fully non-blocking drivers. In… Continue Reading spring-data-r2dbc

Guide to Reactive Microservices Using Lagom Framework Programming Reactive 1. Overview In this article, we’ll explore the Lagom framework and implement an example application using a reactive microservices driven architecture. Simply put, reactive software applications rely on message-driven asynchronous communication and are highly Responsive, Resilient and Elastic in nature. By… Continue Reading lagom-reactive-microservices

Spring Data MongoDB Tailable Cursors 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss how to use MongoDB as an infinite data stream by utilizing tailable cursors with Spring Data MongoDB. 2. Tailable Cursors When we execute a query, the database driver opens a cursor to supply the matching documents.… Continue Reading spring-data-mongodb-tailable-cursors