REST Query Language with Spring Data JPA and Querydsl 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’re looking at building a query language for a REST API using Spring Data JPA and Querydsl. In the first two articles of this series, we built the same search/filtering functionality using JPA Criteria and Spring… Continue Reading rest-api-search-language-spring-data-querydsl

REST Query Language with Spring Data JPA Specifications 1. Overview In this tutorial – we will build a Search/Filter REST API using Spring Data JPA and Specifications. We started looking at a query language in the first article of this series – with a JPA Criteria based solution. So –… Continue Reading rest-api-search-language-spring-data-specifications

REST Query Language with Querydsl Web Support 1. Overview In this quick tutorial, we’ll discuss the Spring Data Querydsl Web Support. This is definitely an interesting alternative to all the other ways we focused on in the main REST Query Language series. 2. The Maven Config First, let’s start with… Continue Reading rest-api-search-querydsl-web-in-spring-data-jpa

REST Query Language with Spring and JPA Criteria 1. Overview In this first article of this new series, we’ll explore a simple query language for a REST API. We’ll make good use of Spring for the REST API and JPA 2 Criteria for the persistence aspects. Why a query language?… Continue Reading rest-search-language-spring-jpa-criteria

REST Query Language with RSQL 1. Overview In this fifth article of the series we’ll illustrate building the REST API Query language with the help of a cool library – rsql-parser. RSQL is a super-set of the Feed Item Query Language (FIQL) – a clean and simple filter syntax for… Continue Reading rest-api-search-language-rsql-fiql

REST Query Language – Advanced Search Operations 1. Overview In this article, we’ll extend the REST Query Language we developed in the previous parts of the series to include more search operations. We now support the following operations: Equality, Negation, Greater than, Less than, Starts with, Ends with, Contains and… Continue Reading rest-api-query-search-language-more-operations

REST Query Language – Implementing OR Operation 1. Overview In this quick article, we’ll extend the advanced search operations that we implemented in the previous article and include OR-based search criteria into our REST API Query Language. 2. Implementation Approach Before, all the criteria in the search query parameter formed… Continue Reading rest-api-query-search-or-operation

Building a REST Query Language A mature REST API can be a lot of work, and publishing Resources in a flexible way is usually a balancing act. On the one hand, you want to allow the client to search for information in many flexible ways. On the other hand, you… Continue Reading spring-rest-api-query-search-language-tutorial