An Intro to Spring HATEOAS 1. Overview This article explains the process of creating hypermedia-driven REST web service using the Spring HATEOAS project. 2. Spring-HATEOAS The Spring HATEOAS project is a library of APIs that we can use to easily create REST representations that follow the principle of HATEOAS (Hypertext… Continue Reading spring-hateoas-tutorial

REST-assured Support for Spring MockMvc 1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to test our Spring REST Controllers using RestAssuredMockMvc, a REST-assured API built on top of Spring’s MockMvc. First, we’ll examine the different setup options. Then, we’ll dive into how to write both unit and integration… Continue Reading spring-mock-mvc-rest-assured

JIRA REST API Integration 1. Introduction In this article, we’ll have a quick look at how to integrate with the JIRA using its REST API. 2. Maven Dependency The required artifacts can be found in Atlassian’s public Maven repository: <repository> <id>atlassian-public</id> <url></url> </repository> Once the repository is added to the… Continue Reading jira-rest-api

Binary Data Formats in a Spring REST API Data REST Spring 1. Overview While JSON and XML are widely popular data transfer formats when it comes to REST APIs, they’re not the only options available. There exist many other formats with varying degree of serialization speed and serialized data size.… Continue Reading spring-rest-api-with-binary-data-formats

Define Custom RAML Properties Using Annotations REST RAML 1. Introduction In this, the fourth article in our series on RAML – the RESTful API Modeling Language – we demonstrate how to use annotations to define custom properties for a RAML API specification. This process is also referred to as extending… Continue Reading raml-custom-properties-with-annotations

The Intermediate Class of REST With Spring Is Out REST Spring Overview Yesterday, I finally lunched the Intermediate Class of my REST With Spring course. First off, for everyone that has written in with great feedback, thank you. I incorporated all of that insight into the material and added a… Continue Reading rest-with-spring-intermediate-class-is-out