RxJava StringObservable 1. Introduction to StringObservable Working with String sequences in RxJava may be challenging; luckily RxJavaString provides us with all necessary utilities. In this article, we’ll cover StringObservable which contains some helpful String operators. Therefore, before getting started, it’s advised to have a look at the Introduction to RxJava… Continue Reading rxjava-string

Observable Utility Operators in RxJava 1. Overview In this article, we’ll discover some utility operators for working with Observables in RxJava and how to implement custom ones. An operator is a function that takes and alters the behavior of an upstream Observable<T> and returns a downstream Observable<R> or Subscriber, where… Continue Reading rxjava-observable-operators

Converting Synchronous and Asynchronous APIs to Observables using RxJava2 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to transform traditional synchronous and asynchronous APIs into Observables using RxJava2 operators. We’ll create a few simple functions that will help us discuss these operators in detail. 2. Maven Dependencies First,… Continue Reading rxjava-apis-to-observables