What’s New in Spring 4.3? 1. Overview The Spring 4.3 release brought some nice refinements into core container, caching, JMS, Web MVC and testing submodules of the framework. In this post, we will discuss few of these improvements including: Implicit Constructor Injection Java 8 Default Interface Methods Support Improved Resolution… Continue Reading whats-new-in-spring-4-3

Serenity BDD with Spring and JBehave 1. Introduction Previously, we have introduced the Serenity BDD framework. In this article, we’ll introduce how to integrate Serenity BDD with Spring. 2. Maven Dependency To enable Serenity in our Spring project, we need to add serenity-core and serenity-spring to the pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>net.serenity-bdd</groupId>… Continue Reading serenity-spring-jbehave

Spring PostConstruct and PreDestroy Annotations Spring 1. Introduction Spring allows us to attach custom actions to bean creation and destruction. We can, for example, do it by implementing the InitializingBean and DisposableBean interfaces. In this short tutorial, we’ll look at a second possibility: the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations. 2. @PostConstruct Spring calls methods… Continue Reading spring-postconstruct-predestroy

Spring Performance Logging 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll look into a couple of basic options the Spring Framework offers for performance monitoring. 2. PerformanceMonitorInterceptor A simple solution to get basic monitoring functionality for the execution time of our methods, we can make use of the PerformanceMonitorInterceptor class out of… Continue Reading spring-performance-logging