Deploy a Spring Boot Application to OpenShift 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll show how to deploy an application from our Bootstrap a Simple Application using Spring Boot tutorial to Openshift. As part of this we’ll: Install and configure Openshift development tools. Create an Openshift project and MySQL deployment. Configure the application for… Continue Reading spring-boot-deploy-openshift

Spring Remoting with Hessian and Burlap 1. Overview In the previous article titled “Intro to Spring Remoting with HTTP Invokers” we saw how easy is to set up a client/server application that leverages remote method invocation (RMI) through Spring Remoting. In this article, we will show how Spring Remoting supports… Continue Reading spring-remoting-hessian-burlap

Conditionally Enable Scheduled Jobs in Spring Spring 1. Introduction The Spring Scheduling library allows applications to execute code at specific intervals. Because the intervals are specified using the @Scheduled annotation, the intervals are typically static and cannot change over the life of an application. In this tutorial, we’ll look at… Continue Reading spring-scheduled-enabled-conditionally

Build a REST API with Spring and Java Config 1. Overview This article shows how to set up REST in Spring – the Controller and HTTP response codes, configuration of payload marshalling and content negotiation. Further reading: Using Spring @ResponseStatus to Set HTTP Status Code Have a look at the… Continue Reading building-a-restful-web-service-with-spring-and-java-based-configuration

Netflix Archaius with Various Database Configurations Cloud Persistence Spring  1. Overview The Netflix Archaius offers libraries and functionality for connecting to many data sources. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to get configurations: Using the JDBC API to connect to a database From configurations stored in a DynamoDB instance By… Continue Reading netflix-archaius-database-configurations