Conditionals in Thymeleaf 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’re going to have a look at the different types of conditionals available in Thymeleaf. For a quick introduction to Thymeleaf, please refer to this article. 2. Maven Dependencies Let’s start with the Maven dependencies that are required to use Thymeleaf along… Continue Reading spring-thymeleaf-conditionals

Spring with Thymeleaf Pagination for a List 1. Overview  In this quick tutorial, we’ll build a simple application to display a list of items with pagination using Spring and Thymeleaf. For an introduction on how to integrate Thymeleaf with Spring, please take a look at our article here. 2. Maven Dependencies… Continue Reading spring-thymeleaf-pagination

Spring Boot CRUD Application with Thymeleaf 1. Overview The implementation of DAO layers that provide CRUD functionality on JPA entities can be a repetitive, time-consuming task that we want to avoid in most cases. Luckily, Spring Boot makes it easy to create CRUD applications through a layer of standard JPA-based CRUD… Continue Reading spring-boot-crud-thymeleaf