XStream User Guide: Converting XML to Objects 1. Overview In a previous article, we learned how to use XStream to serialize Java objects to XML. In this tutorial, we will learn how to do the reverse: deserialize XML to Java objects. These tasks can be accomplished using annotations or programmatically.… Continue Reading xstream-deserialize-xml-to-object

Introduction to JiBX 1. Overview JiBX is a tool for binding XML data to Java objects. It provides solid performance compared to other common tools such as JAXB. JiBX is also quite flexible when compared to other Java-XML tools, using binding definitions to decouple the Java structure from XML representation… Continue Reading jibx

XML Serialization and Deserialization with Jackson 1. Overview In this tutorial, we’re going to look at how to serialize Java objects to XML data using Jackson 2.x and deserialize it back to a POJO. We’ll focus on the basic operation that doesn’t require a lot of complexity or customization. 2.… Continue Reading jackson-xml-serialization-and-deserialization